Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tender interest closed for massive Bowen port

Tender interest closed for massive Bowen port


North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited (NQBP) is finalising planning for the development of a man-made reclaimed harbour at the Port of Abbot Point.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) to tender for the Design and Construction of the Abbot Point Multi Cargo Facility - Stage 1 closed Friday of last week.

The Abbot Point Multi Cargo Facility (MCF) involves dredging and reclamation to create a sheltered man-made harbour. When completed, the MCF will create up to 12 shipping berths, all Capesize capable if necessary with the project providing 320 hectares of adjoining reclaimed area, a shipping access channel and a tug harbour for the port.

The works will include major activities such as the establishment of quarries for construction of armoured bund walls of approximately 13km in length.

Formal EOI was released on November 29, and closed on January 14 with the ECI process expected to commence in March 2011. Documents were available to prospective contractors following the completion of a confidentiality deed.

Proponents say the Abbot Point facility is a strategic asset to Queensland due to the large tracts of land available for industrial development, its remote location and access to deep water.


Capesize ships


To travel between oceans, these ships have to pass either the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn. In effect Capesize reads as "unlimited" with their large size and deep draft mean that only the largest deep water terminals can accommodate them.


Sailability meets


Sailability Whitsunday is a local branch of an international organisation facilitating sailing for everyone, regardless of age or ability.

The local group has incorporated with Sailiability Queensland and is calling for help and volunteers to attend a meeting on Thursday, January 20 at 6 pm at the Whitsunday Sailing Club.

Spokesperson Bruce Carter says they have had assistance from the state organisation to set up the group and now wants the community to get behind it.

"The organization's purpose is to facilitate sailing for everyone, regardless of age or ability with emphasis on opportunities for people with disabilities". Mr Carter told The Guardian.


Police warn on toys


Police have warned that inflatable adult toys are "not recognised flotation devices" following a dramatic rescue from the flood-swollen Yarra River this week.

Police and a State Emergency Services crew were called to the rescue when the woman and a man, both 19, struck trouble during their wild ride in the turbulent water near Warrandyte North.

The incident prompted a warning from police that blow-up adult toys are "not recognised flotation devices''.

Police and the SES crew hauled the water-logged thrill seekers to safety.

"We've got people busy with rescues and to have to divert resources to that sort of thing is not ideal," said Senior Constable Wayne Wilson

"Most rescue organisations would frown on people behaving in such a manner because there are people out there who are in genuine need of assistance," he said.

The rescued pair were checked by ambulance officers but did not require medical attention.

"The fate of the inflatable dolls is unknown," said Senior Constable Wilson.

Personal flotation devices made to the new Australian Standard AS 4758 are now sold and should be worn around the country said a spokesperson for the National Marine Safety Committee.


Coral Sea debris


Mariners are advised that a concrete pontoon has been reported drifting north in the Coral Sea off the Sunshine coast. It is likely the pontoon is part of the extensive debris from recent flood events. At the time it was sighted on Jan 17, the structure was inverted with about three metres protruding from the surface of the water. The length of the pontoon could not be determined.

Mariners are urged to navigate with extreme caution along the Queensland coast following the flood events and keep a careful look-out for floating debris and other potential hazards to navigation.


Fair winds to Ye!

Cap'n Dan

Monday, January 17, 2011

Our flood disaster is a trickle of tourists

 Our flood disaster is a trickle of tourists


News about floods in areas of Queensland is reaching across the globe with scenes of destruction and death following in the wake of the storm clouds.


In our local area, while water is flowing over the dam wall for the first time and it surely has been soggy underfoot we seem to be surviving fairly well.


Or are we?


The early finish to the sugar crush put a stop to that money flowing into the community while sunny skies and fine weather are greeted by a severe lack of tourists who hear we are under water.


Not so! Desperate cries of "we are open for business" are heard all over the coast and islands with many local businesses treading the financial water, fearing some will soon drown in a sea of red ink.


John Dureaux, marine tourism owner-operator in Airlie Beach, this week told The Guardian that he has real concerns and great sympathy for the people in southern and western Queensland who are being badly affected by the wild weather, however our tourism industry is suffering, he believes, partly due to media reporting. 


"The blanket broad-based reporting by radio, TV and print media about the flooding in Queensland's south is playing havoc with the local tourism industry here in the Whitsundays where the weather patterns are vastly different with sunny days, light breezes and occasional showers."


"There is no flooding here," Mr Dureaux added "However, we are also suffering"


"This morning a southern newspaper is making statements about the long term effect on the Great Barrier Reef with the water flow in areas such as Rockhampton. Keep in mind that Rocky is a five/six hour drive from the Whitsunday area and aircraft are flying daily into Hamilton Island and Proserpine airports"


"Less sensationalised news and more accurate reporting about other parts of our Great State would benefit everybody." Mr Dureaux said.


Here in the Airlie Beach and Whitsunday area, our only disaster is that we are experiencing great weather and have people cancelling their trips due to news of the floods in other parts of Queensland.


Of course we sympathise with those flood bound and affected Queenslanders, however our disaster is tourists NOT visiting and enjoying our great weather and the natural marvels, Airlie Beach, the Whitsunday Islands and Great Barrier Reef have to offer.


With International attention focused on Queensland many businesses report receiving calls and emails of enquiry or worst of all, cancellations due to weather reportage.

People settle here to enjoy the best weather on the Queensland coast. It is still the best.

Our message to people is simple "You need a holiday and we need your business. "


Cow at sea


Mariners transiting the Queensland coast should consider taking special measures to ensure hazardous debris in the sea does not come in contact with their ship.

The debris may include trees and substantial timbers, tanks and anything that will float.

The report of a cow swimming near North Keppel Island about 12 kilometres off the coast proves that anything is liable to come drifting down the Fitzroy River.

Police said the beast had been swept or had swum from the nearby beef capital of Rockhampton.

"That is a 20-minute boat journey from Rockhampton to North Keppel, so that's an incredible journey by that particular animal," Chief Superintendent Alistair Dawson said this week.


Fair winds to Ye!

Cap'n Dan

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Buckets of money for flood victims - Airlie Beach to raise funds for flood relief


The Rotary Club of Airlie Beach Inc announces:


Buckets of money for flood victims - Airlie Beach to raise funds


It is said that when a boat is sinking the best pump is a crew with a bucket.


Many people in Queensland need urgent help so it's out with the buckets.


Rotary Club of Airlie Beach collectors' equipped with traditional buckets will be out and about in Airlie Beach and the Whitsunday area collecting funds to add to the Queensland Premier's Flood Relief Appeal


Starting on Thursday morning (January 13) collectors' will be banging the buckets for money to bail out victims of Queensland's flood disaster.


All money raised will go directly to the Premier's Flood Relief Appeal


Insurance and identification for collectors has been arranged by the Rotary Club of Airlie Beach.


Media: Mr John Powell,

Home phone 07 4946 6518

Business phone 07 4946 6767

Mobile        0412 966 727



Tuesday, January 04, 2011

2011 Queensland's Season of Sailing

2011 Queensland's Season of Sailing


While the Whitsunday 'winter' has long been a magnet for cruising and racing sailors, 2011 has been declared Queensland's Season of Sailing.


The declaration was made by teenage around the world sailor Jessica Watson in her position as Tourism Queensland's sailing ambassador.


'"I am happy to encourage more people to take up the sport of sailing. The Season of Sailing offers everyone, from all age groups, an opportunity to get out there and give it a go."


Queensland holidays are now a spinnaker reach away and what better way to catch the wind then by spending your holiday with your family and friends enjoying some time on or around the water.


In 2011, Queensland's Season of Sailing introduces Sail Paradise Gold Coast January 10–15 to its spectacular calendar of events which stretch from the Gold and Sunshine Coast to the Whitsundays and Great Barrier Reef in the North.


Queensland's new Season of Sailing brings together a great line up of premier yachting events and great holiday destination to get you out on the water.  Whether you're a keen sailor or just want some family fun in the sun, the Season of Sailing highlights Queensland's fantastic sailing events along the state's coast. 


Queensland's Season of Sailing features a spectacular calendar of premier yachting events in 2011: Sail Paradise Gold Coast, January 10 – 15; Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race April 22 – 24; Yeppoon – Mackay Race, May.

The Whitsunday season of sail begins with the Annual Blessing of the Fleet on Whitsunday, Pentecost Sunday June 12; Dent to Dunk Race and Cruise; Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race August 5–8; WWW Whitsunday Whale Week; Airlie Beach Race Week: August 12–18; Hamilton Island Race Week August 19–27; Rotary Port of Airlie Boat Show and Fun Race September 10 and International Talk Like a Pirate Day in Airlie Beach Saturday September 17.

Invite your friends to join you for sailing and fun during 2011.


Where are they now?


In February this year, ultra marathon swimmers, Rob Hutchings and Todd Cameron joined by local tri athlete Christie Leet swam from Whitehaven Beach to Catseye Beach on Hamilton Island - a distance of 14.5 kilometres.

Waterfront just heard from Todd Cameron who says, "I am an hour north of Toronto for this winter, it was -31C here a week ago and is -22C right now, very Antarctic like conditions. Next winter: Back to Australia."


Cyclone season


The Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWC) names tropical cyclones in the Australian Region.

The name of a new tropical cyclone is selected from a list of names. If a named cyclone moves into the Australian region from another country's zone of responsibility, the name assigned by that other country will be retained.

When your Waterfront writer began this article the first name for the 2010-11 season was Tasha, now it might be Vince as Tasha has come and gone. A week is a long time in the weather game.

The Bureau of Meteorology receives many requests from the public to name Tropical Cyclones after themselves, friends, etc. The Bureau is unable to grant all these requests as they far out-number the number of Tropical Cyclones that occur in the Australian region.

The Bureau will accept requests received in writing (not e-mail). The request cannot be immediately granted but the name will be added to a supplementary list. When a name is retired of similar gender and initial, a name can be included from this supplementary list subject to checks to ensure it is not on the Southern Hemisphere retired name list or offensive in any of the languages of our international neighbours.

It can take many decades for a suitable slot to become available, then a further 10-20 years for the names to cycle through, so it is likely to be well over 50 years before your requested name is allocated to a cyclone.

Tropical cyclone names alternate male and female and names of cyclones that have already significantly affected the Australian region cannot be used again.

Names should not be capable of being construed to subject the Bureau to criticism or ridicule, for example, naming a sequence of cyclones after politicians.

A name may be skipped if it is not deemed appropriate when it is due to be used, for example it is the same as the name of a public figure who is in the news for a sensitive or controversial reason.


Yankee dollar$


Now that the Aussie dollar is the same price as the US$ and swarms of tourists are due in following cyclone Oprah, it is time to announce that US dollars are now taken here. It will make it easier for Americans to spend their own money and not get flustered by the different notes. Don't worry; Canadians have taken US currency for years.


Boat Haven Bay


Port Of Airlie Marina navigation channel aids to navigations established in position to mark the channel and the entrance to the Port of Airlie marina. For Lat and Long positions of the navigation aids, refer notice. AUS chart 253


Shute Harbour


Mariners are advised that the port lateral mark No. 8 buoy Fl R 3s which is located at the entrance to Shute Harbour, has been re-established in position. AUS chart 253


Fair winds to Ye!

Cap'n Dan


Cap'n Dan is a regular broadcaster on ABC Radio Tropical North